Monday, June 21, 2010

Adventure Lover Dilemma....

*sigh..* I got frustrated every time I talk about this.. I really long for adventure games.. Yea..
I know u gamers out there who aren't into this "sissy" kinda thing (n I ain't much of that macho-whacka zombie kinda game either) probably didn't care.. But seriously game developers nowadays are in a brink of ideas crisis.. Semua game dak nya sama jak storyline bah.. tinkering with machines.. run away from ghost that is not that scary.. blablabla..

The one and only adventure games nok dpt polah aku entertained for the time being will be Nancy Drew Series.. ya jak la nok constant merik adventure + mystery yg aku harap.. So far la.. game adventure n mystery nok aku prnah main n akan main berulang2 kali (best la maksud nya ya) are these :

a) Black Mirror

1st adventure game selain Nancy Drew series yg aku main.. serious best walaupun puzzle nya kinda went under ur skin skit.. byk glak mok di click.. huhuhuhu.. tedious la juak.. tp overall.. game nya nang best.. x rugi mun try.. Tp awal2 prepare walktrough just in case.. game tok mudah nyuruh stuck.. huhuhuhuu..

b) Keepsake
After some more crappy adventure game yg aku main.. tok pun kira listed dlm game yg aku suka.. Sama juak mcm Black Mirror.. byk main click2 then nya mpun length of time utk travel between scenes ya sgt lamak.. kadang geram juak ati bila ko mok pegi dr sigek puzzle to the next ya ko knak lalu dlm 6 kali screen.. Despite its cons , ada juak no best.. contoh nya graphic.. walopun nya x run under high end mpun graphic card still nya dpt produce surprisingly stunning graphic.. aok.. x ku bulak.. tp ada la sikit2 flaws rah pixel nya ada pecah dikit2.. well.. wat do u expect.. game zaman lamak bah.. Aok.. one more time.. this game stands above all adventure games out there.. Nya ada hint system kedirik.. x payah ko ssh2 mok download walktrough agik dh.. huhuhuhu.. x da la frust sampey ngentak palak rah dinding mikir apa next move..

c) NiBiru
Game tok from the same developer of Black Mirror.. Tetap superb dr segi storyline , graphic n sound nya.. Cuma puzzle nya mudah sikit dr previous game.. May be dak developer dh knak komplen tegal game 1st dolok ssh nak mati *sila baca phrase ini dgn slang org Kabong* ya la dak nya low kan dikit level difficulty rah puzzle game ya..

............... dan ada beberapa gik .. actually kinek aku tgh donlod baru gik game Keepsake ya tek.. CD lamak aku sound nya mala jak crash (it's the ugly crash btw.. blue screen of death instant reboot kinda crash) so.. trpaksa la merajinkan dirik donload balit.. wowoowowoo..

Wish me luck ... supaya aku pat main mlm tok..

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