Tuesday, August 31, 2010

7 Things I Always Wanted To Do..

I watch this dude name Dhani in TLC just now .. Am not really familiar with the dude.. 'Spose to be American Football player.. Anyway , he's around the globe doing all sorts of wild , extreme activities which for me is awesome.. I also have some dream of doing some things (not all wild and extreme though) so.. I guess I'm gonna do some listing and share it to all of you . I don't expect you would read them and comment , but I'd be happy if people would read them (otherwise I'll not post them publicly in blog...)

1. Bungee Jumping

I wanted to do this for a very long time . My dream jump would be at the top of Sydney Harbour Bridge.. Why? Simply because I always wanted to visit Aussie.. huhuhuhuhu.. If I were to have the opportunity to do this , I think I would be proud of myself.. But of course , my fiance is against the crazy idea..

2. Being a volunteer in humanitarian mission to Gaza

I always wanted to be a volunteer . My first one was a CSR program organized by my department to Umah Panjang Michael Lanyau in Hulu Sebauh. Ever since I feel good in doing some part , even small one in our community . And as you all know , Palestinians are dire for our help against the Zionist Israel . Though we can't help them to free their country , the least we can do is giving them a hand with food supplies , and medicines.. I hope someday I would be one of the volunteer to aid the Palestinians .

3. Around The Globe

It seems pretty ambitious but I'll start in small steps . May be at first , I'll be all around Malaysia , Asia.. then insya-Allah , around the world . I always wonder what it will be like to be in different place of the world . I never be out of Malaysia , except Brunei of course.. My first choice of out of the country getaway would be Australia .. or perhaps Japan or may be Korea.. If I were to be at Australia , I wanted to visit the wonders of Ayers Rock and also visited Adelaide .. I'm told that Adelaide offers a gorgeous beach sight.. If I were to visit Japan , my absolute MUST trip will be to Mount Fuji .. Then to Korea.. well.. They say goods are cheaper there , so , SHOPPING is a must.. hehhehhehe..

4. Traditional Dancer

Being involved as one of the performers during IEM dinner makes me fall in love with dancing . Although I known myself as a bit of "kayu" (huk..huk..) but I have a bit of passion for dancing . I develop a keen towards traditional dancing and I hope someday I would have the opportunity to learn some traditional dances like tarian gamelan , zapin , ngajat , indian etc..

5. Involve in animation

Everyone who knows me well would know that I love to doodle a lot.. Back when I was little , I used to have my very own comics : a blank pages book where I would do all my comics in it .. And I loooooove anime . I hope I could do a part in animation process , even a small job in just erasing the sketching ..

6. Being part as one of the contestant of Amazing Race

OMG , I am sooooooooooooo into this race . I love rushing my brains and adrenaline .. Last time in 2008 , I participated in Treasure Hunt organized by YEC (that's Young Engineer Committee) of MLNG .. It was a fun experience I thought I was in one of the Amazing Race myself . Although my team didn't ended up winning but we have a great experience . So , I want to be one of the contestant and be part of the great "adventure" around the globe while get frustrated for the unsolved task.. hehehhehehe...

7. Learn to play musical instrument (Cello , violin)

When I was little I saw one performance at Dewan Suarah where there's one fellow play a violin and immediately I was in awe .. Since then I always have this urge to learn to play violin although I can't read music sheet very well.. hahahhahaha.. yeah.. I busted my Music lesson when I was in primary 6.. hahahhaa.. but it didn't matter . I will find a way to read music sheet again.. Oh ya.. I'm greatly inspired by Vanessa Mae , and The Bond Girls..

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