Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What I HATE about TV Dramas

Yeah.. I wish I could do this over a bad tv series..

What do
you hate the most about tv drama..? Mine would be :
  1. Too much cliff hanger scenes.. Urghhhh!! get over it already!
  2. Malay dramas that constantly using the same plot about rich family fighting each other over family fortune... NEXTTTT!!!!
  3. Horror drama/movie that wants to make an ending that seems mysterious to the viewers but come out nonsensical which make people go like what??????
  4. Drama with "spastic" sense of humor.. I mean , come on.. We don't live in the 3 stooges era anymore.. (i don't mean their humor is spastic.. they are great.. but people should do something fresh and new not copying other people stuff)
  5. Drama that a little bit too much of sappiness.. I watch tv to relax.. not to depress myself..
  6. Actors who act word by word on script or what us Malay would call "skema".. I vote for natural not posy..
  7. Drama that have over 100++ episodes and the villain seems not to die easily , like she's having a 9 life...??? I get bored too easily over this kind of tv series..

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