Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rudeness SUCK

"Makcik, apehal lambat sangat order sy ni? Lapar dh ni oi.."

"Eeeee die ni.. jalan terhegeh2.. cepat la sikit! Bajet catwalk la tu!"

"Ko kira-kira budget ni utk 20 org je, dh tu committe x payah makan ker???"
Have you ever been in any of these situation? May be  you are that someone who received the rudeness , someone who witness the rudeness or perhaps someone who are the one doing the rudeness.. Either way, discourteous is something one would never practice at any time , any where and NEVER to anyone.. Even if one's need is not being entertained by certain event or person..

Lets observed the above scenarios for a while.. Take the 1st sentence.. What if you are the person who run the cafe/restaurant/stall , you are very occupied with customers that day trying your best to give them the best service you can offer.. (good food , fast service) But then there come a certain someone who decide to give you a challenge of the day by simply mutter on a few choice words just because you failed to entertain her/his need only by mere 5 minutes or so.. Wouldn't you feel like you just wanna march in to the kitchen and "showered" this certain person with a bucket of soapy dish water , and said "go rinse your bad-mouth".. Well, not exactly something a person WOULD do in real life but, i bet no one would ever resist the satisfied feeling of doing so to this RUDE person, right? Hehehehe..

Yup.. Caffeine-less morning IS NOT pleasant.. Therefore, avoid rudeness to the waiter at any cause.. :-D

So my fellow bloggers , stay away from RUDENESS.. Even when you're in a bad , tough situation, there's no justification for being a foul-mouthed homosapien.. When you feel like you are in the verge of switching into "Bi-yatch" mode , simply put yourself into the other person shoes.. You are not going to like being throwned with harsh , mean words is it not?

Be nice to everyone , regardless your situation.. Life is to be celebrated with goodness and warmness of people in it.. Thus, shoving people , not being patient and harsh talks simply does not qualify..

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