Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wedding Preparation Updates

Alhamdulillah.. I just send the 2nd payment receipt for my wedding invitation to Kadlestari.. It's a huge relief for me since it's almost mid April and people been bombarding me with the "hey, when's your wedding mate? Where's the invitation?".. Okay.. relax people.. the invitation's coming by end of April , latest by the 18th..

My wedding package receipt (wedding dress,pelamin and make-up) , the furniture receipt, wedding invitation payment receipt and photographer's package and payment..

Aside that, I STILL yet to have a decent house-keeping in my room.. It's like a ship wreck in there with lots and lots of clutter that awaiting to be packed in boxes.. Man.. I am the worst definition of word "delay".. I mean, all the furnitures (bed, closet and dressing table) are supposed to be in by end of March , alas due to my constant delay and distraction , the furnitures have to wait for another week.. Well , it's a good thing that I don't have anymore internet connection at my home (by choice) , otherwise anymore delay would be inevitable.. Huhuhuuu..

So far.. I have only manage to settle as far as these.. Need a lot more resources for my bedroom deco : lamp , carpets and not forgetting the canopies.. damn! that canopies are so expensive.. :-(

Man.. I have no other resources for that in red.. huwaaaaa..

Our Borang Keizinan Kahwin..It's complete and ready to be submitted to Jabatan Agama Islam.. But somehow the admin there told us to get the hang of the document and only submit on May 'coz they afraid the documents might be lost... Hmmmm.. :-/

Another thing that already done but still pending on the submission is our "Keizinan Kahwin" forms.. Took several days to complete my form.. They even need my parents' wedding certificate as well.. And lemme tell you the document is so accient it qualifies to be displayed in the museum.. Don't believe me? Check this out!

My parents' Marriage certificate and it's in Jawi.. Pretty cool huh? (Look at the letterhead.. British crest.. awesome..)

Okay.. that's the end of my entry.. I got so distracted now that I have finished my blogging , I have abandon Ryan's work.. Muhuhuhuuu.. The dateline is today.. My GOD.. I AM that worst definition of the word "DELAY"..  Okay guys.. GTG..

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