Friday, November 26, 2010

The DOW..

"Oiiiiiiiiiii!! Jgn aaa sentuh kete aku.. Mahal DOW!!"

"Ko tengok awek tu.. Perghhhhh!! Lawa DOW!!"

"Aku excident hari tu doctor jahit x pakai bius DOW.."

"Giler mahal DOW baju tu!!"

Urgh!! Is it just me or has anyone else annoyed with this DOW expression people nowadays seems bother to add in their every conversation? I don't know what's the meaning of the word nor I know the origin of it.. May be it was spoken by people from a planet Zarbus , I don't know but it ANNOYS the hell of me..

**Perhaps it was origin from the word "BODOH?" like when you wanna said "Sakit la BODOH" but don't wanna sound disrespectful to your friends , and changed it to "Sakit la DOH!" Which then revolutionized to DOW.. Yeah , there's one more "contagious" thing happening in our society when people tend to add too much DABELYU (W) in their words (especially in facebook)
i.e : Amek sik TAWUK kenak PEWUT amek cakit ilak EWH..**


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