Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wedding Dilemma..

I am sick of wedding trend nowadays.. It's like "A MUST" to have a lavish wedding even if you couldn't afford it.. People make such a fuss when you wanna have a small and simple wedding.. I don't know who start this crappy trend but it REALLY has to end..

I gotta tell you , wedding nowadays is kinda overrated.. You HAFTA have a super-duper wedding to be recognized in the society.. You HAFTA have that super-duper high-end designer wedding apparel , super-duper HD edited wedding video , super-duper fancy-smancy guest gifts , super-duper expensive and branded "hantaran" etc..etc... (If you guys don't know what "hantaran is , it means money which was given by the groom to the bride-to-be to cover all the wedding cost especially on the catering.. Usually the amount was decided during "merisik"..) I mean what the hell..? Isn't it just enough to have a simple yet memorable wedding? It's the thought that counts.. Not how much you spend... And there's one thing I can't stand about our society is when they comparing your "hantaran" with the others .. Observe the conversation :

Makcik A : Wowwwwwwwwww... Mia's so lucky to have a stable husband.. Her RM33,333.33 hantaran is just grand..
Makcik B : Yeah.. my daughter got RM18,619.84.. In honor for her birthday..
Makcik A : Good for you.. The amount is just enough.. Nowadays , with the things so expansive , you just gotta have no less than RM15K.. I mean , it's your BIG DAY .. You have to spend a little to celebrate the once in your life time event , right?
Makcik B : I couldn't agree more.. Hey.. Tey , (turn to me) you just got engaged right? How much is your hantaran?
Me : Ummm.. RM10K..
Makcik A & Makcik B : Owhhh....... (end the conversation and started whispering to each other)

Have you ever encounter some crappy situation like that? It's like you just being "branded" according to your "hantaran" value.. HELLOOoooooooooooo.. You're not in the decades where people are differentiate by status anymore.. We're not living in the past like P-Ramlee's Antara Dua Darjat or Kassim Selamat..

This perception of "a grand wedding is a MUST" must end.. Even in Islam , our Rasul never encourage his people to have a big wedding.. Just work on what you already have.. It's the Ijab that matters.. The moment when you are pronounced as husband and wife.. Not the ceremony.. *sigh* sorry.. I just really agitated with some people who bickering about this "you must have a grand wedding" thing...

Okay.. enough of me babbling..

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